Unity assets explorer extract
Unity assets explorer extract

unity assets explorer extract unity assets explorer extract

For Texture2D, Image, Sprite andMaterial objects, there is aView Texture` button at the top of the inspector which lets you view the Texture(s) and save them as a PNG file.Use the filters at the top to quickly find the members you are looking for.Press the ▼ button to expand certain values such as strings, enums, lists, dictionaries, some structs, etc.

unity assets explorer extract

  • Automatic updating is not enabled by default, and you must press Apply for any changes you make to take effect.
  • unity assets explorer extract

  • The Reflection Inspectors (tab prefix and ) are used for everything else.
  • note: When inspecting a GameObject with a Canvas, the transform controls may be overridden by the RectTransform anchors.
  • Press the Escape key to cancel your edits. You can also do this to the GameObject path as a way to change the GameObject's parent.
  • You can edit any of the input fields in the inspector (excluding readonly fields) and press Enter to apply your changes.
  • The GameObject Inspector (tab prefix ) is used to inspect a GameObject, and to see and manipulate its Transform and Components.
  • The inspector is used to see detailed information on objects of any type and manipulate their values, as well as to inspect C# Classes with static reflection. This may cause unexpected behaviour in some IL2CPP games as we cannot distinguish between true properties and field-properties, so some property accessors will be invoked.
  • The singleton search will look for any classes with a typical "Instance" field, and check it for a current value.
  • Use the UnityObject search to look for any objects which derive from UnityEngine.Object, with optional filters.
  • Use the Object Search tab to search for Unity objects (including GameObjects, Components, etc), C# Singletons or Static Classes.
  • You can use the Scene Loader to easily load any of the scenes in the build (may not work for Unity 5.X games).
  • The "HideAndDontSave" scene contains objects with that flag, as well as Assets and Resources which are not in any scene but behave the same way.
  • Use the Scene Explorer tab to traverse the active scenes, as well as the DontDestroyOnLoad and HideAndDontSave objects.
  • Take the UniverseLib.dll file can put it in the UserLibs/ folder created by MelonLoader.
  • Take the UnityExplorer.ML.dll file and put it in the Mods\ folder created by MelonLoader.
  • Take the file and the UniverseLib.dll file and put them in BepInEx\plugins\.
  • ✔️ Supports most Unity versions from 5.2 to 2021+ (IL2CPP and Mono). 🔍 An in-game UI for exploring, debugging and modifying Unity games.

    Unity assets explorer extract